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GRA 2950C - Professional Practices |
(3) (A.S.) Class meets four hours per week. Prerequisites: GRA 1100C, GRA 2190C, GRA 1206C, GRA 2150C, GRA 2151C, GRA 2121C, with a grade of “C” or better or permission of the program manager. This course is designed to help students develop strategies for entering the design profession by editing and refining portfolios to meet professional standards, designing a personal logo and using it on a resume and other self-promotional materials, practicing interview techniques and professional presentations. Additional special fees are required.
3.000 Credit hours Levels: Credit Schedule Types: Hybrid, Classroom, Independent Study, Traditional, Video/Audio Conferencing, Web Arts & Lettrs & Soc & Behv Sci Division Graphic Art Department Course Attributes: Fee Assess AS, Per Credit Proceed to View Follett Bookstore - Detailed Text Book Information |