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State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota



Syllabus Information


Fall 2022
Feb 12, 2025
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Syllabus Information
ENC 1102 - Written Communication II - 17696 - ENC 1102 - O03

Associated Term: Fall 2022
Levels: Credit

ecampus Campus
Web Schedule Type
Online Instructional Method

Learning Objectives: COURSE PERORMANCE STANDARDS: Students may directly access course performance standards by selecting the “Course Performances Standards” option from MCC's Academic Affairs page. A hard copy may be obtained from the instructor or from the Department Office. At the successful completion of ENC1102, a student should be able to... 1. Write proficient analytical essays which clearly state a thesis and support it with details obtained through careful reading of primary and secondary sources. 2. Fulfill writing requirements as mandated by SBE 6A-10.30. 3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the basic genres including essay, short story, poem, and play. 4. Demonstrate increased reading skills through attention to detail, tone, argument strategies, figurative language, organization, and sentence relationships. 5. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the relationship between literature and his/her world and between literature and other academic disciplines. 6. Demonstrate to ability to interact with (and therefore better understand) peers by participating in group projects, discussions, research, and reports. 7. Demonstrate the ability to gain a better understanding of her/himself by learning more about the ethnically and racially diverse society of which he/she is a part. 8. Demonstrate skills that are required for the CLAST. 9. Demonstrate knowledge of the vocabulary needed to study literature and to write about literature. 10. Demonstrate academic research skills, including the use of the Internet and current MLA documentation standards 11. Demonstrate the professional use of e-mail. INSTRUCTOR PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: By the end of this semester, you should be able to. 1. Conduct a basic literary analysis: analyze an essay and divide it into its parts. 2. Summarize key elements of fiction and poetry. 3. Synthesize fiction and poetry with your critical thinking. 4. Evaluate fiction and poetry using literary criteria. 5. Interpret fiction and poetry by adding your reader response. 6. Conduct focused, specific research on an author and her works. 7. Produce a college level research paper using MLA format. 8. Produce a college level paper geared towards an academic audience that features advanced sentence construction and punctuation. 9. Conduct an advanced literary analysis that incorporates criticism or literary theory. 10. Demonstrate an expert knowledge level of an author.
Required Materials: TEXTBOOKS: Both textbooks will function as reference sources. Consult the schedule, read assigned chapters prior to class, and be prepared for discussion of ideas present. The Norton Introduction to Literature 9th ed. Eds. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, & Kelly J. Mays. Student CD-Rom. Audio Disks. Companion Website. College level dictionary & Thesaurus. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: In addition to the textbook, we will be using companion sites and library resources. Norton's Literature Online. Registration Number (Last Page of Book) required for Glossary of Literary Terms; Literature Reviews; Citation Guidelines. Norton's Book Companion Site. Registration Number (Last Page of book) required for..LitWeb; WorkShops. SCF Electronic Databases: SCF Password required for all Literature Databases. SCF Library Research and Documentation Sites: Writing & Citing Help. Evaluating Internet Resources. e-Learning guide. Angel's Library Lab
Technical Requirements: 1.) Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word.  2.) Ability to use your student password to log on to library databases, student e-mail; Ability to register for the on-line companion book site.  3.) Ability to send an attachment with an e-mail or to an assignment drop box. 4.) Ability to transfer data between software programs, companion sites, CD-roms, and save files. 5.) Ability to use features of the program, Angel. Ability to navigate companion websites, CD-Roms and audio disks. 6.) A basic search on the WWW using a gopher or Boolean terms. 7.) Ability to use spell and grammar check portions of a word processing program. 8.) Ability to use document design features of a word processing program: Microsoft Word.

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